Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has been a legal entity under public law since 1 February 1973, established by law and located in Rotterdam.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board (SB, RvT) is the body of EUR required by law (HRA Sections 9.6 to 9.9) to supervise the Board of Trustees and administration of the university. In any case, the SB has the task of approving the institution's plan, the annual report, the financial statements and the university's administrative and management regulations. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) appoints the members. The RvT is accountable to the Minister of OCW.
Members of the Supervisory Board
- Mr J.W. (Jaap) Winter (prof. dr.) - Chair, partner Phyleon Leadership & Governance Term of office 1 June 2020 through 31 May 2024
- Mr C.J. (Hans) van Duijn (prof. dr. ir.) - vice Chair and Chair of the Quality Committee, emeritus professor/Rector Magnificus TU Eindhoven and management consultant. Term of office a August 2015 through 31 July 2023.
- Mr P.H.J.M. (Pascal) Visée (mr. drs.) - Member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee, management consultant and various Supervisory Board positions. Term of office 1 March 2014 through 28 February 2022.
- Ms L.B.J. (Laura) van Geest (drs.), Chair of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Financial Markets Authority Term of office 1 June 2020 through 31 May 2024.
- E. (Ellen) Giebels (prof. dr.), Full professor Social Psychology of Conflict and Safety, University of Twente Term of office 1 June 2020 through 31 May 2024
Overview of ancillary positions Members of the Supervisory Board
Name |
Ancillary positions |
Mr J.W. (Jaap) Winter (prof. dr.) |
Mr C.J. (Hans) van Duijn (prof. dr. ir.) |
Mr P.H.J.M. (Pascal) Visée (RA mr. drs.) |
Mr Ms L.B.J. (Laura) van Geest (drs.) |
Ms E. (Ellen) Giebels (prof. dr.) |
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BoT) is the highest administrative body of EUR. The members are appointed by the SB, after hearing the University Council. The Board of Trustees is accountable to the Supervisory Board

Members of the Board of Trustees
Chair Mr H. (Ed) Brinksma (prof. dr.)
The Chair is responsible for general administrative matters, such as the relations with the Supervisory Board and the University Council. Duties include strategic policy, international affairs and external contacts, such as with government agencies and businesses in the Rotterdam region, other knowledge institutions and ministries.
Rector Magnificus - Ms A.L. (Annelien) Bredenoord (prof. dr.)
The Rector Magnificus is responsible for education, research and impact, as well as academic personnel management, students and science education.
Vice-Chair - Ms E.M.A (Ellen) van Schoten (RA dr.)
The Vice-Chair manages the operations portfolio, which includes finance, economic policy, land and buildings, and information services. The Vice-Chair is also responsible for the continued development of the digital environment and its security, further improvement of business operations in conjunction with the (strategic) objectives for education, research and valorisation.
Overview of ancillary positions of members of the Board of Trustees
Mr J.W. (Ed) Brinksma (prof. dr.) |
Ms A.L. (Annelien) Bredenoord (prof. dr.) |
E.M.A (Ellen) van Schoten (RA dr.) |
Code of Good Governance and Law on Higher Education and Scientific Research
In 2018, the VSNU established the Code of Good Governance Universities Committee (https://www.vsnu.nl/code-goed-bestuur....). The committee was tasked with thoroughly updating the former code. This has led to the new 'Code of Good Governance for Universities', which aims to contribute to good governance by stimulating the healthy conversation about the governance of universities. As of 1 January 2020, the current "Code of Good Governance for Universities" is in effect. EUR has implemented the code where appropriate. For example, as of 15 December 2020, a dispute resolution system is in effect that governs the relationship in that framework between the Supervisory Board and the Board of Trustees.
In addition, amendments to the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) and the rules derived from it are implemented and the institution rules are amended.
- Mr P.J.F. (Patrick) Groenen (prof. Dr.), Dean Erasmus School of Economics
- Ms W.S.R. (Suzan) Stoter (prof. mr. drs.), Dean Erasmus School of Law
- Mr V.J.J.M. (Victor) Bekkers (prof. dr.), Dean Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Science
- Ms M. (Martine) van Selm (prof. dr.), Dean Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
- Mr H.A.E. (Hub) Zwart (prof. dr.), Dean Erasmus School of Philosophy
- Mr J.P.T.M. (Hans) van Leeuwen (prof. dr.) (until 1/9/2021)/S. (Stefan) Sleijfer (prof. dr.) (effective 1/9/2021), Dean Erasmus MC - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Mr A. (Ansgar) Richter (prof. dr.), Dean Rotterdam School of Management
- Ms I. (Inge) Hutter (prof. dr.), Rector International Institute of Social Studies
- Mr W.B.F. (Werner) Brouwer (prof. dr.), Pro Dean (interim) Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management
Participatory body
University Council
The University Council (UR) is EUR's employee and student participation body at the university level. The council seats twelve students and twelve staff, all elected by the university community. Hans van den Berg MSc is Chair and staff member of EUR. The UR maintains contact with the representatives of EUROPA (Erasmus University Rotterdam Personnel Matters Consultation), the faculty councils and the service councils.
Staff meeting
* Changes during the college year
Members until September 2021
Ferry Blom (ESL), Ben Bode (RSM), Marjan Gorgievski-Duijvestein (ESSB), Hellen Gubby (RSM), Yogi Hendlin (ESPhil), Bianca Jadoenath (ISS), Sebastiaan Kamp (PS), Natascha Kraal (Erasmus MC), John Piarelal (ESHPM), Ana Uribe Sandoval (ESHCC), Albert Wagelmans (ESE), John van Wel (PS).
Members as of September 2021
Emese von Bóné (ESL), Irena Boskovic (ESSB), Georgiana Carp (RSM), Aleid Fokkema (ESHCC), Ernst Hulst (ESHPM), Bianca Jadoenath (ISS), Sebastiaan Kamp (PRO), Natascha Kraal (EMC), Nikita Schoemaker (ESSB), Albert Wagelmans (ESE), Max Wagenaar (ESPhil) and John van Wel (PS).
Student section
Members until September 2021
Younes Assou, Wouter van Dam, Afrodita Dobreva, Armand Gozé, Bram Heesen, Olaf Hornes, Jasper Klasen, Luca Kriese, Philip van Moll, Diederik Mosch, Joep Schoenmakers, Dian van Toor.
Members as of September 2021
Cagla Altin, Simo Azzarhouni, Sandra Constantinou Juhasz, Zohra Hayat, Pi Cheng Hu, Patryk Jarmakowicz, Jasper Klasen, Robbert Rog, Friso Roos, Timo Zandvliet and Yusufhan Balci.
Consultations Board of Trustees and the University Council
The Board of Trustees met monthly with the UR in 2021 based on a jointly prepared agenda. These consultations cover the legally required topics, but also topics about which the Executive Board wishes to inform the UR or about which the UR wishes to receive information from the Board of Trustees.
Quarterly consultations are convened between the central and decentralised participation bodies (EUROPA, faculty councils and service councils) at the UR’s initiative. Work groups were set up by the UR and relevant policy staff for the joint realisation of the national Higher Education Quality Agreements (HoKa) and for the purpose of providing information and creating close involvement in the university's strategy. The UR Presidium is represented at all academic ceremonies. The core values on which the UR acts are solution orientation, responsibility, sustainability and vision.
Service Councils
Support Services, Professional Services, General Administration and the University Library have each been represented in their own service council since 1 November 2016. The service councils hold regular consultations with the heads of the relevant organisational units. Representatives of the service councils liaise with representatives of the UR and EUROPA (see below).
In the Local Consultation Platform EUROPA, the BoT makes further arrangements with the representatives of the trade unions, united at EUR in the EUROPA platform. The unions represented in this body are the General Education Union, FNV Overheid and CNV.
During the year under review, EUROPA met seven times with the Board of Trustees and the HR Director.
Central Election Office
EUR Central Election Office organises the elections for the UR and the service councils of the central support services. The Central Election Office further coordinates the work of the faculty voting stations, which organise the elections for faculty councils.
In cooperation with the UR members, it was decided in 2018 to organise the elections for the student members of the UR through an EUR-wide election. Instead of faculty constituencies, a new Electoral District 10, consisting of all students enrolled at EUR, has been provided for in addition to Article 22 of the University Council Electoral Regulations. This was a two-year pilot. The pilot has a positive outcome. This is why this system was maintained at the beginning of academic year 2021-2022. In addition, a list system was introduced for the election of student members of the University Council.
Complaint Policy
EUR has provided the legally required arrangements and procedures for handling complaints, objections and appeals. It is not only about formal appeals and objections and complaints under the General Administrative Law Act and the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act, but also about complaints of a domestic nature, for example. If there are grounds for doing so, such as amended laws and regulations, the rules that apply within the university will be updated accordingly. EUR has a web page with all regulations, guidelines and rules for employees and students.
In 2021, 307 appeals were filed by students with the EUR Examination Appeals Board (up from 219 in 2020). These were mainly appeals against decisions relating to (negative) binding study advice, admission to a master programme and examinations. Ten cases were litigated in the education court, the Higher Education Appeals Board (there were five in 2020).
In addition, a total of 76 appeals were processed by the Complaints and Appeals Advisory Committee and the Student Dispute Advisory Committee in 2021 (up from 74 in 2020). These were mainly decisions made by or on behalf of the BoT.
The Scientific Integrity Committee, Committee on Inappropriate Conduct and the Advisory Committee on Complaints and Objections, processed 25 complaints in 2021 (compared to eight in 2020).
To the legally required Legal Protection Facility, in addition to appeals and objections, 170 complaints, reports and requests were submitted (compared to 192 in 2020). Processing of these complaints was decentralised.