This overview lists the scholarships and awards awarded in the year 2021. Personal laureates and the laureates of collaborative Erasmus MC grants are not included. An overview of these laureates is set out in Erasmus MC's Annual Report 2021. Prizes awarded by Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Erasmus Trust Fund Foundation to Erasmus MC students and researchers are included in the overview.
Honorary Doctorates ‘Dies Natalis’
Professor Karl Deisseroth (Stanford University) received an honorary doctorate from supervisor Professor Chris de Zeeuw (Erasmus MC) for his groundbreaking brain research. Karl Deisseroth is considered the founder of optogenetics, a technique that allows light to activate specific brain cells. By building proteins into brain cells, this technique makes it possible to very specifically activate or inhibit certain brain cells.
Professor Trisha Greenhalgh (University of Oxford) received an honorary doctorate from Supervisor Professor Roland Bal (Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management) for her research on complex innovations in health care. Her work aims to celebrate and preserve the traditional and humanistic aspects of medicine and health care, while also embracing the extraordinary possibilities of contemporary science and technology to improve health outcomes and alleviate suffering.
University Awards
With Strategy24, EUR made a promise to have a positive impact on society. This has resulted in the goal of being an eco-positive university. Nicole Hunfeld (Erasmus MC) won the Sustainability Award for her commitment to the Green Intensive Care Project.
The Rotterdam Thesis Award prize went to Jamila Robbeson for her thesis ‘The rise of the electric vehicle influencing the public charging infrastructure of tomorrow: An application of a discrete choice experiment in the EV industry'.
Ms Hanneke Takkenberg (Prof.dr.), Professor of Management Education focusing on Women in Business (RSM), is the winner of the FAME Athena Award 2021, for her active promotion of female leadership. Female Academics Moving to Equity (FAME) commends Professor Takkenberg for her numerous efforts and initiatives to combat gender inequality, such as the creation of the Erasmus MC network for academic women VENA and the Diversity & Inclusion Office of EUR.
Awards Erasmus Trust Fund
The Education Prize is annually awarded to a lecturer who has stood out in a special way. For example by their passionate way of lecturing or by an innovative teaching style. The Education Prize 2021 was awarded to Ms Ana Uribe Sandoval (dr.), a lecturer in the Department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture & Communication.
The Research Award is awarded to a promising EUR scientific employee who has made an outstanding achievement in the field of research. The Research Prize was won this year by Ms Tina van der Vlies (dr.) for her research that has great social impact. Through her history research, Van der Vlies provides knowledge to better understand the world, analyse problems and arrive at solutions.
The Lambers Student Excellence Award was awarded to no less than two inspiring and ambitious students this year, Ina Jäntgen (Philosophy and Economics) and Charlie Sewalt (Medicine).
The Student Societal Impact Award was awarded to Max Wagenaar and Emma Peters. From the student initiative Erasmus Verbindt, they strengthen the relationship between Erasmus University and the city of Rotterdam with a sound dose of initiative, determination and leadership.
Alumnus Lukas Bertels (RSM) is the winner of the Hermes Circle London Thesis Award. His master thesis is on the energy transition and the consequences of eliminating subsidies on solar panels.
In 2021, for the first time, the Sociological Lens was awarded. This award for the best sociological book of 2020 was won by Sinan Çankaya with the book ‘My Countless Identities’.
External Awards
Associate Professor Rogier Quaedvlieg of Erasmus School of Economics, has won the prestigious annual J.C. Ruigrok Prize awarded by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences. The J.C. Ruigrok Prize is a reward for young researchers conducting original research in the field of social sciences.
Alumnus Didier Nibbering has been awarded the Christiaan Huygens Prize award. The Christiaan Huygens Science Prize is awarded annually to a researcher whose doctoral research has made an important and socially relevant contribution to science. The 2021 award focused on actuarial studies and econometrics.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), in cooperation with the National Education Research Council, has awarded the 'Comenius Teaching Fellowship' awarded to Katharina Bauer (Erasmus School of Philosophy). This prize was awarded to her project ‘Is Less Perfect Just Perfect? Coping with perfectionist ideals in arts education'.
Personal laureates and award winners
The Veni, Vidi and Vici are awarded annually as part of the NWO's talent programme. These three forms of funding are tailored to different stages in the scientific careers of researchers.
In 2021, only the Veni winners for the ZonMW and Science domains were announced in December. For the Social Sciences and Humanities (SGW) and Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW) domains, the results will not be available until April 2022. This is due to a hack of the NWO databases in the spring of 2021.
EUR did not secure a grant for the Vidi and Vici rounds in 2021. Vici proposals submitted for round 2021 were awarded in 2022. This, too, is due to the NWO hack.
The European Research Council (ERC) funds scientific research conducted within the European Union (EU). EUR did not secure any ERC personal grants in 2021. ERC proposals submitted for the 2021 round will be announced in 2022.
The ERC Starting Grant supports talented early-career researchers in setting up their own research group. In 2021, this grant was awarded to the following two EUR researchers:
- Mr Tom Emery (Dr.) (ESSB)
- Ms Jess Bier (Dr.) (ESSB)
The ERC Consolidator Grant is awarded to scholars who consolidate their independence by assembling a research team and building a successful career in Europe. Scholars and scientists who have recently established an independent, excellent research team and wish to strengthen that team are also eligible for the Consolidator Grant.
The ERC awards Advanced Grants, awarded to established, distinguished academics who need a long-term grant to conduct cutting-edge research.
NWO Promotions in the Humanities
The three winners of the NWO Promotions in the Humanities are Ms Mariana Fried (ESHCC), Mr Martijn van der Meer (ESHCC) and Ms Sophie van Balen (ESPHIL). The purpose of Promotions is to provide research talent with the opportunity to conduct an independent research project.
A membership for life in the KNAW is a great honor in the Netherlands for a scientific career. Sixteen new members are elected each year. In 2021 Ms Thea Hilhorst (prof. dr. ir.) (ISS) and Ms Susanne Janssen (prof. Dr.) (ESHCC) were elected.
KNAW grants
Science Communication Pilot Fund by scientists: Appreciated!
Sustainable Finance
EUR research leader: Mr Dirk Schoenmaker (prof. dr.) (RSM)
Marketing Management
EUR research leader: Mr Stefano Puntoni (prof. dr.) (RSM)
Pedagogical science and practice: mutual reinforcement through broad and target group-oriented science communication
EUR research leader: Ms Loes Keijsers (prof. dr.) (ESSB)
Erasmus Institute for Public Knowledge
EUR research leader: Mr Willem Schinkel (prof. dr.) (ESSB)
KNAW Van der Gaag scholarship
Effects of Infancy Behavioral Inhibition on Social Processing and Risk for Social Anxiety during Adulthood
EUR research leader: Ms Miranda Lutz (ESSB)
Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowships are designed to encourage international mobility of experienced researchers with at least four years of full-time research experience. In 2021, the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowships were awarded to five EUR scientists:
- Ms Anita Harrewijn (dr.) (ESSB)
- Ms Kamila Moulaï (dr.) (RSM)
- Mr Matthijs Korevaar (dr.) - Global Fellowship (ESE)
- Ms Renske Stans (dr.) (ESE)
- Mr Ryan Kopaitich (dr.) (ESPhil)
CLI Fellows
In collaboration with the faculties, the Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) organises projects for professional development of lecturers, innovation in online and offline education, educational research, and student projects. By appointing CLI Fellows, the CLI aims to boost educational innovation. In 2021, CLI Fellowships were awarded to:
• Gabry Vanderveen (ESL)
• Marianne Uttel (ESSB)
• Nina Holvast (ESL)
• Sandra Sülz (ESHPM)
• Susan van Rijen (ESSB)
• Ward Vloeberghs (EUC)
• Willem-Jan Kortleven (ESL)
Please Note: Nina Holvast and Willem-Jan Kortleven requested and received the Fellowship jointly.
Erasmus Trust Fund Foundation
The Erasmus Trust Fund is basic to EUR’s growth and prosperity. The fund has an annual budget to encourage high-impact research at the university and support its outstanding students and academic staff. Since 1913, the Erasmus Trust Fund has provided financial support for EUR’s goals. The projects supported by the Erasmus Trust Fund fall within the following categories: Research, Research Visits, Awards, Student Support, Student Life and Other. The following is a summary of the research projects supported in 2021.
- Adrian Snow - FACETS
- Alessandra Arcuri - Bottom-up sustainability: Rethinking legal institutions of market integration from the margin
- Annalisa Costella - Self-defeating self-governance: How the value of freedom shapes a person's behavior
- Arfan Ikram - Preventing dementia: from theory to application in practice
- Arjan Non - Study loans and stress-related mental health problems
- Astrid Kamperman - Addressing the victim in the room: the use of machine learning to detect domestic violence in mental health patients
- Astrid van der Veldt - Whole genome sequencing in renal cell cancer
- Casper van Eijck - MesoPher/mitazalimab combination therapy in progressive metastatic pancreatic disease (REACtiVe-2)
- Emine Kilic - Define gene regulatory programmes driving oncogenic differentiation in UM development and metastasis
- Esther Warnert - Piloting the use of physiological MRI for precision radiotherapy of IDH wild-type glioblastoma
- Eveline Crone - Fostering the potential of the new generation
- Francesco Capozza - Beliefs and policy demand on the gender gap in salary negotiation
- Francisca Grommé - Hybrid employment in the platform economy: Who is juggling multiple jobs and how?
- Heleen van Beekhuizen - Molecular and immunological biomarkers in recurrent and high-stage cervical carcinoma
- Hub Zwart - Special Chair of Public Philosophy
- Hub Zwart - Special Chair of Spinoza
- Igna Bonfrer - Happy moms and babies - supporting healthy lifestyles among pregnant women in India
- Jing Hiah - New mobilities or persistent inequalities in the exploitation of digitalized domestic labour?
- Jiska Engelbert - Local networking for a digital future
- Joke Roodnat - Factors influencing the course of renal function after kidney donation
- Joppe Drop - Improving pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation outcomes
- Liesbeth van Rossum - ObesEcare
- Marjolein van Driel - Dormant cells in bone metastases
- Martine Lamfers - Development of new treatments for brain tumors using patient-derived tumor models
- Mathijs van Dijk - Drawing up the bill: Does sustainable investing affect risk and return?
- Menelaos Markakis - Political and legal accountability in economic and monetary union
- Niels Agatz - Demand Management for Attended Home Service Delivery
- Nina Grootendorst - Stress and the city: Exploring urbanicity as a risk factor for adolescent mental health
- Pieter Bakx - Life with dementia
- Rebecca Hewett - Exploring the role of HR Management in navigating the paradox of differing stakeholder needs to create decent work and sustainable economic growth
- Shuang Zhang - Carlitage regeneration using skeletal stem cell
- Tanja Houweling - Research for health impact in Africa
- Ting Li - Using consumer online click stream data for dynamic pricing strategies
- Vivien Butot - Transdisciplinary cooperation for multilateral engagement with smart urban safety in Rotterdam
- Wiep van Bunge - The historical Spinoza. A chronological companion of his life and time
NWO collaborative grants
As the national research council, the NWO funds thousands of top researchers at universities and institutes and gives direction to Dutch science through grants and research programmes.
NWO Rubicon - Why school history matters: public debates on history education, 1920-2020
EUR research leader: Ms Tina van der Vlies (Dr.) (ESHCC)
NWO SGW Open Competition - Age-friendly communities and well-being realisation among older native and immigrant populations in the Netherlands
Ms A.P. Nieboer (Prof.) (ESHPM)
NWO SGW Open Competition - Understanding transactional sex in situations of humanitarian crises and reforming institutional responses
EUR research leader: Ms Thea Hilhorst (Prof.) (ISS)
NWO Small Projects for NWA Routes - Cobot order picking strategies
Coordinated by: TKI Dinalog
EUR research leader: Mr René de Koster (prof. dr.) (RSM)
ZonMw subsidises health-related research and encourages the use of knowledge to improve care and health.
Children and (future) Parents, supported by Prediction and Professionals in Prevention, to improve Opportunity (C-4PO)
EUR research leader: dr. B. Ravesteijn (ESE)
Empowering young men in their role as fathers during an unintended pregnancy
EUR research leaders: Dr. M.D. Hilverda BSc MSc PhD and Dr. V. Petit-Steeghs (ESHPM)
The Impact of the Social Approach to Dementia: a Comparative Case Study
EUR research leader: dr. I.N. Fabbricotti (ESHPM)
With VERVE! Nurses in the lead for quality and patient safety
EUR research leader: dr. C.J. van Oostveen (ESHPM)
Space for resilience: accounting differently in the relationship between work as imagined (WAD) and work as done (WAD)
EUR research leader: dr. J. Weenink (ESHPM)
ZonMw grants coordinated by other institutions:
BUNDLE: Paying for Outcomes in Dutch Medical-Specialty Care: Doing, Learning and Evaluating
Coordinated by: Leiden University Medical Center EUR research leader: dr. F. Eijkenaar (ESHPM)
BUZZ2: Costing Outcomes Care (of the) Pregnant
Coordinated by: Annature birth care EUR research leader: Prof. C.T.B. Ahaus (ESHPM)
An integrated care network for (highly) vulnerable families; from pre-conception to the first two years after birth
Coordinated by: Erasmus MC
EUR research leader: dr. J.W.M. Weggelaar - Jansen (ESHPM)
Safe transfer NICU
Coordinated by: University Medical Center Utrecht
EUR research leader: dr. M. Buljac (ESHPM)
TOpzorg VERzilveren (TOVER). Evaluation study Top Specialty Care and Research
Coordinated by: Radboudumc
EUR research leader: prof.dr. R.A. Ball (ESHPM)
Value-Based Health Care funding in healthcare pathway Prostate Carcinoma
Coordinated by: Erasmus MC
EUR research leader: Prof. C.T.B. Ahaus (ESHPM)
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument for the implantation of the Innovation Union, a major initiative of Europe 2020, aimed at strengthening Europe's global competitiveness. Horizon 2020 helps achieve this by linking research and innovation, focusing on excellence in science, industrial leadership and addressing societal challenges.
Coordinated by other institutions:
ADAPTED- Eradicating Poverty: Pathways towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Coordinated by: Ruhr University Bocum
EUR research leader: Prof. Wil Hout (ISS)
MAGPIE: sMArt Green Ports as Integrated Efficient multimodal hubs
Coordinated by: Rotterdam Port Authority
EUR research leaders: Prof. dr. Rob Zuidwijk (RSM), Dr. Larissa van der Lugt (Erasmus UPT)
SPATIAL - Security and Privacy Accountable Technology Innovations, Algorithms, and machine Learning
Coordinated by: Delft University of Technology
EUR research leader: Prof. Jason Pridmore (ESHCC)
REINCARNATE - Reincarnation of Construction Products and Materials by Slowing Down and Extending Cycles
Coordinated by: Technische Universitat Berlin
EUR research leader: Dr. João Gonçalves, ESHCC
Other collaborative grants awarded
PDI-SSH: Secure Analysis Environment (SANE)
EUR research leader: Dr. Tom Emery (Dr.) (ESSB)
PDI-SSH: Building a FAIR Expertise Hub for the social sciences
EUR research leader: prof. dr. Pearl Dykstra (ESSB)
Coordinated by other institutions:
ERDF Opportunities for West II - 4TEURN: Inland shipping maximum sustainable
Coordinated by: 4shipping BV
EUR research leader: prof. dr. Rob Zuidwijk (RSM)