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Appendix 8 List of abbreviations

List of abbreviations

Lijst met afkortingen

ABD General Management Directorate (Algemene Bestuursdienst)
ACE Academic Center of Excellence
AOE administrative organisational unit (administratie organisatorische eenheid)
ATLAS Association of Transnational Law Schools
AVG General Data Protection Regulation
AZ Academic Affairs (Academische Zaken)
bama Bachelor/Master system
BKO University Teaching Qualification (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs)
BSA Binding study advice
Bsik Investments in Knowledge Infrastructure (Subsidies) Decree (Besluit subsidies investeringen kennisinfrastructuur)
CDHO Higher Education Efficiency Committee (Commissie Doelmatigheid Hoger Onderwijs)
CEPHIR Centre for Effective Public Health In the larger Rotterdam area
CIP Career in Progress
CLI Community for Learning & Innovation
CPC Corporate Planning and Control
CROHO Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs)
CvB Executive Board
CWI Research Integrity Committee
DRIFT Dutch Research Institute for Transitions
ECE Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship
ECLC Erasmus China Law Center
ECSP Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy
ECTS European Credit Transfer System
ECV Erasmus Centre for Valorisation
EDLE European Doctorate in Law and Economics
EDSC Erasmus Data Service Centre
EEPI Erasmus Electronic Publishing Initiative
EER Erasmus Education Research
EGSH Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities
EGSL Erasmus Graduate School of Law
EHA Erasmus Honours Academy
EHP Erasmus Honours Programme
EI VCC Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens
EMDI Erasmus Migration and Diversity Institute
ENVH Erasmus Network of Female Professors (Erasmus Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren)
Erasmus MC Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam
EREAD Erasmus MC Research & Education Accomodation Development
ERC European Research Council
ERIM Erasmus Research Institute of Management
ERSB Erasmus Research and Business Support
ESE Erasmus School of Economics
ESHCC Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
ESHPM Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
ESL Erasmus School of Law
ESNR European Student Network Rotterdam
ESPhil Erasmus School of Philosophy
ESSB Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
ESSC Erasmus Student Service Centre
EUC Erasmus University College
Eu-HEM European Master in Health Economics and Management
EUR Erasmus University Rotterdam
FGG Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Faculteit der Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen)
Fte Full-time equivalent
GITC General IT Controls
GUO Joint Implementing Body (Gemeenschappelijk uitvoeringsorgaan)
HL Professor (hoogleraar)
HO Higher education (Hoger Onderwijs)
HOKA Higher Education Quality Agreements (Hoger Onderwijs Kwaliteitsafspraken)
HST Health Science & Technology Institute
IBA International Business Administration
IHS Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
IPRC International Peer Review Committee
ISS International Institute of Social Studies
ITK Institutional Quality Assurance Assessment
KNAW (Instellingstoets Kwaliteitszorg)
KWP Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen)
LDE Knowledge Workshop (Kenniswerkplaats)
LEI Leiden-Delft-Erasmus: cooperative arrangement between three
LOL universities
LSH Leiden University
LTC Educational Leadership Track (Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap)
MMAPP Life Science & Health
MO Language & Training Centre
MOOC Mundus Master programme in Public Policy
NIHES Employee survey (Medewerkersonderzoek)
NOA Massive Open Online Course
NRO Netherlands Institute For Health Sciences
NVAO National Education Agreement (Nationaal Onderwijs Akkoord)
NWA Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek)
NWO Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie)
OBP National Science Agenda (Nationale Wetenschapsagenda)
OCW Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
OECR Support and management staff (ondersteunend- en beheerspersoneel)
OESO Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap)
PoR Educational Expertise Centre Rotterdam (Onderwijskundig Expertisecentrum Rotterdam)
QANU Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
R&O Port of Rotterdam
RDO Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities
REI Performance and Development cycle (Resultaat- en Ontwikkelingscyclus)
Risbo Research Development Office
RSM Research Excellence Initiative
RSO Rotterdam Institute for Social Science Policy Research (
RvT Rotterdams Instituut voor Sociaalwetenschappelijk Beleidsonderzoek)
SDG Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
SEP Research Support Office
SKO Supervisory Board
SPP Sustainable Development Goals
SSC Standard Evaluation Protocol
SSH Senior University Teaching Qualification (Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs)
TOP Strategic Workforce Planning (Strategische Personeelsplanning)
TTO Shared Service Centre
TUD Student Housing Foundation (Stichting Studenten Huisvesting)
UB Training and Development Platform (Trainings- en Ontwikkelplatform)
UD Technology Transfer Office
UHD Delft University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Delft)
UNSDG University Library (Universiteitsbibliotheek)
UR Assistant professor (universitair docent)
USC Associate professor (universitair hoofddocent)
VJE United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
VSNU University Council (Universiteitsraad)
VWO University Support Centre
WFHW Erasmus Base Year (Voorbereidend Jaar Erasmus)
WHOO Association of Universities in the Netherlands
WNT Pre-University Education (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)
WO Higher Education Funding Act (Wet financiering hoger onderwijs)
WP Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek)
ZonMW Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act (Wet normering topinkomens)

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